Some Fun Site

Baby Names : 1930 - 1939

Here are the most popular names of the decade.

  • SSA is Social Security Administration (alternate spellings are not combined) and
  • SFS is Some Fun Site (alternate spellings are combined).

Male names are first. Or you can start with the female names.

  • Most Popular is the total of the names over the whole decade.
  • Most Change is the difference in count between the first year and last year of the decade. It has the subcategories of Rising and Falling
    • Rising is the highest difference in count (which name has improved the most over the decade).
    • Falling is the lowest difference in count between the first year and last year of the decade (which name has dropped the most over the decade).

Top 25 Names of the Decade - 1930s

Male Names

Most Popular

Original (SSA)

1. Robert 590358
2. James 547058
3. John 487596
4. William 416408
5. Richard 330284
6. Charles 302965
7. Donald 283472
8. George 192116
9. Thomas 183742
10. Joseph 180419
11. David 164595
12. Edward 147722
13. Ronald 140238
14. Paul 125671
15. Kenneth 125022
16. Frank 108001
17. Raymond 99502
18. Jack 96317
19. Harold 95384
20. Billy 88257
21. Gerald 82754
22. Walter 80828
23. Jerry 80650
24. Joe 71423
25. Eugene 70866

Adjusted (SFS)

1. Robert 590358
2. James 547058
3. John 493958
4. William 416408
5. Richard 330284
6. Charles 302965
7. Donald 283472
8. George 192116
9. Thomas 185072
10. Joseph 180419
11. David 164595
12. Edward 147722
13. Ronald 140238
14. Kenneth 126325
15. Paul 125671
16. Frank 108001
17. Raymond 99502
18. Billy 97953
19. Jack 96317
20. Harold 95384
21. Gerald 90246
22. Jerry 82650
23. Walter 80828
24. Bobby 75577
25. Carl 74429

Most Change

Rising (SSA)

1. Ronald 14197
2. David 13099
3. Larry 12801
4. Jerry 9832
5. Gary 8961
6. Michael 7288
7. James 5677
8. Thomas 5127
9. Dennis 5039
10. Roger 3897
11. Gerald 3566
12. Richard 3209
13. Kenneth 3002
14. Jimmy 2956
15. Wayne 2667
16. Terry 2149
17. Stephen 1914
18. Bobby 1865
19. Ronnie 1687
20. Johnny 1550
21. Bruce 1514
22. Douglas 1400
23. Peter 1381
24. Jon 1364
25. Daniel 1340

Rising (SFS)

1. Ronald 14197
2. David 13099
3. Larry 12801
4. Jerry 9977
5. Gary 9304
6. Michael 7411
7. Jimmy 7227
8. James 5677
9. Dennis 5247
10. Thomas 5079
11. Gerald 4140
12. Roger 4062
13. Richard 3209
14. Kenneth 3059
15. Stephen 2733
16. Wayne 2667
17. Allen 2151
18. Terry 2149
19. Ronnie 1844
20. Bobby 1639
21. Philip 1522
22. Bruce 1514
23. Douglas 1456
24. Peter 1381
25. Darrell 1352

Falling (SSA)

1. William -5193
2. Jack -5128
3. Donald -4983
4. George -4859
5. Harold -3344
6. Joseph -3253
7. Eugene -3130
8. Edward -2903
9. Herbert -2577
10. Frank -2543
11. Robert -2466
12. Albert -2460
13. Raymond -2449
14. Walter -2400
15. Harry -2177
16. Henry -2024
17. Clarence -2006
18. Arthur -1892
19. Billy -1824
20. Howard -1730
21. Earl -1677
22. Ralph -1676
23. Louis -1593
24. Alfred -1563
25. John -1369

Falling (SFS)

1. William -5193
2. Jack -5128
3. Donald -4983
4. George -4859
5. Jimmie -4005
6. Harold -3344
7. Joseph -3253
8. Eugene -3130
9. Edward -2903
10. Billy -2740
11. Herbert -2577
12. Frank -2543
13. Robert -2466
14. Albert -2460
15. Raymond -2449
16. Walter -2400
17. Harry -2177
18. Clarence -2035
19. Henry -2024
20. Arthur -1913
21. Earl -1767
22. Howard -1730
23. Louis -1724
24. Ralph -1676
25. Alfred -1563

Female Names

Most Popular

Original (SSA)

1. Mary 572770
2. Betty 300287
3. Barbara 296334
4. Shirley 229303
5. Patricia 220519
6. Dorothy 210319
7. Joan 173384
8. Margaret 157321
9. Nancy 142446
10. Helen 140357
11. Carol 117707
12. Joyce 115470
13. Doris 110596
14. Ruth 109165
15. Virginia 103050
16. Marilyn 98507
17. Elizabeth 96449
18. Jean 94145
19. Frances 92081
20. Beverly 80833
21. Lois 80703
22. Alice 78953
23. Donna 78831
24. Martha 77671
25. Dolores 77100

Adjusted (SFS)

1. Mary 573403
2. Betty 316274
3. Barbara 297006
4. Shirley 230988
5. Patricia 220519
6. Dorothy 219674
7. Joan 173384
8. Margaret 169567
9. Carol 148235
10. Nancy 142810
11. Helen 141547
12. Dolores 124249
13. Joyce 115470
14. Jean 113565
15. Doris 112106
16. Ruth 109165
17. Marilyn 103401
18. Catherine 103081
19. Virginia 103050
20. Elizabeth 98011
21. Frances 95657
22. Ann 92647
23. Beverly 84769
24. Donna 82249
25. Alice 81362

Most Change

Rising (SSA)

1. Barbara 18982
2. Judith 15675
3. Carol 15568
4. Patricia 13956
5. Sandra 11666
6. Nancy 10658
7. Linda 10217
8. Sharon 8489
9. Judy 7717
10. Carolyn 7567
11. Janice 6854
12. Shirley 5668
13. Janet 5512
14. Karen 5441
15. Carole 4251
16. Susan 3884
17. Joyce 3737
18. Diane 3594
19. Marlene 3465
20. Donna 3386
21. Gail 3154
22. Kay 2905
23. Brenda 2692
24. Beverly 2245
25. Glenda 2105

Rising (SFS)

1. Carol 20092
2. Barbara 19081
3. Judith 15675
4. Patricia 13956
5. Sandra 12075
6. Linda 10981
7. Nancy 10783
8. Sharon 8869
9. Judy 8011
10. Carolyn 7586
11. Janice 7204
12. Shirley 5649
13. Janet 5623
14. Karen 5619
15. Diane 4690
16. Gail 4145
17. Susan 3884
18. Joyce 3737
19. Marlene 3550
20. Donna 3244
21. Kay 3226
22. Joanne 2929
23. Brenda 2692
24. Marcia 2213
25. Beverly 2202

Falling (SSA)

1. Dorothy -15217
2. Betty -14605
3. Helen -9488
4. Mary -9197
5. Dolores -8849
6. Doris -7767
7. Ruth -5870
8. Mildred -5205
9. Jean -4689
10. Evelyn -4205
11. Anna -4143
12. Lois -4070
13. Virginia -3960
14. Margaret -3405
15. Florence -3268
16. Irene -3130
17. Louise -2988
18. Lillian -2896
19. Marjorie -2715
20. Norma -2687
21. Rose -2652
22. Gladys -2644
23. Lorraine -2574
24. Thelma -2556
25. Marie -2535

Falling (SFS)

1. Dorothy -15810
2. Betty -14930
3. Dolores -10061
4. Helen -9545
5. Mary -9039
6. Doris -7891
7. Jean -5967
8. Ruth -5870
9. Mildred -5205
10. Evelyn -4335
11. Anna -4172
12. Lois -4070
13. Margaret -4030
14. Virginia -3960
15. Marion -3608
16. Florence -3268
17. Irene -3130
18. Louise -2988
19. Marjorie -2949
20. Lillian -2896
21. Lorraine -2745
22. Norma -2687
23. Rose -2652
24. Gladys -2644
25. Catherine -2589

View Top 1000 Names for each year of the 1930s

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