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2014 Olympics Results by Area

Here are the results by area:

Ranking by Gold Medals

Country Sq. mile / Gold Rank
Netherlands 2,005 1
Switzerland 2,656 2
Slovenia 3,914 3
Austria 8,096 4
Norway 11,366 5
Korea, South 12,834 6
Czech Republic 15,225 7
Belarus 16,031 8
Germany 17,231 9
Slovakia 18,933 10
Poland 30,182 11
France 62,143 12
Sweden 86,930 13
Great Britain 94,058 14
Finland 130,559 15
Japan 145,914 16
Ukraine 233,032 17
Canada 385,510 18
United States of America 421,567 19
Russia 507,821 20
China 1,235,136 21
Australia 0 22
Croatia 0 22
Italy 0 22
Kazakhstan 0 22
Latvia 0 22

Ranking by Total Medals

Country Sq. mile / Medal Rank
Netherlands 1,731 1
Slovenia 2,534 2
Switzerland 3,752 3
Austria 4,934 4
Czech Republic 9,858 5
Norway 12,454 6
Korea, South 12,465 7
Latvia 16,147 8
Germany 18,791 9
Sweden 30,020 10
Belarus 34,600 11
Italy 37,668 12
France 42,920 13
Japan 47,239 14
Slovakia 49,035 15
Poland 52,114 16
Croatia 56,594 17
Great Britain 60,903 18
Finland 67,629 19
Ukraine 301,775 20
United States of America 350,953 21
Canada 399,387 22
Russia 518,129 23
China 1,066,329 24
Australia 2,580,407 25
Kazakhstan 2,724,900 26

Ranking by Points

Country Sq. mile / Point Rank
Korea, South 339 1
Slovakia 1,961 2
Netherlands 2,077 3
Slovenia 2,534 4
Croatia 2,572 5
Latvia 3,588 6
Italy 7,727 7
Norway 8,095 8
Switzerland 10,319 9
Czech Republic 15,773 10
Austria 16,774 11
Belarus 20,760 12
France 21,460 13
Ukraine 28,740 14
Germany 71,404 15
Sweden 75,049 16
Great Britain 81,203 17
Kazakhstan 85,153 18
Japan 94,479 19
China 101,021 20
Poland 104,228 21
Finland 338,145 22
Russia 534,320 23
United States of America 1,965,335 24
Canada 1,996,934 25
Australia 7,741,220 26

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